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Where are all the Christian Singles?


Kait Tomlin

Where are all the Christian Singles?

There is one thing that often comes alongside the question "Where Can I Meet Legit Christian Singles?”

It is this implicit idea that, “there are NO good Christian singles out there.

And I have to be real, I hear this the MOST from the ladies saying “There are NO good Christian men out there.”

The problem with this mindset is this: It’s rooted in scarcity. And the BIGGEST issue with a scarcity mindset is this: if you think there are no Christian single men… you will NOT see healthy Christian single men.

When we live in scarcity, we only see scarcity!

It’s time to get out of a scarcity mindset…

My biggest advice here is GET IN COMMUNITY! This is one of the most helpful ways to combat these mindsets and lies we believe that there are no legit Christian singles out there.

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So… how do I meet them?

I have 3 words for you… SHAKE IT UP!!! Author, pastor and speaker Mark Batterson says this, “If you want God to do something new, you cannot keep doing the same old thing.” THIS IS SO TRUE!

In fact, Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results is known as the insanity cycle. So I want you to ask yourself…

Are you at home EVERY weekend watching your favorite show or just hanging out with the same small group of people? If you have the same exact routine, you will not meet new people.

When you DO go out, do you you do things with the SAME group of people all the time? If you are, you are eliminating perfectly amazing ways to date that will extend your reach exponentially.

Are you completely closed to things like long dating or online dating? If you’re answer is yes, you are eliminating perfectly amazing ways to date that will extend your reach exponentially.

Are you vehemently against a dating app because you don’t think it’s quote “God’s way” to meet someone?... Then you my friend, are limiting yourself from the #1 way people, and YES even Christians meet today!!!

So my friend…

If you are constantly just with the same people, and turn down invites to birthdays where you don’t know a lot of people or going places with new faces… then chances are you will NOT meet new people. You just won’t. You need to shake it up. 

How do I shake it up PRACTICALLY?

These are ideas I want you to consider when deciding to shake things up:

  • Say yes to invitations where you don’t know a lot of people. Go to that birthday party where you only know one or two people…
  • Join a new online group or REAL LIFE GROUP with women AND men. IF you didn’t know, we have a private FB community for Heart of Dating for single and dating couples and our group organically has weekly meetups virtually AND IN REAL LIFE ranging from game nights to bible studies to worship nights to cookouts.
  • Change up the normal things in your life and routine- go to a NEW coffee shop… Go to a NEW grocery store. Visit a NEW church for once with a friend.

I am not saying you necessarily HAVE to date the person you meet at these places… but actually, change up your routine a bit and get out there to meet people you wouldn’t normally meet.  

You all know my mantra… DATE THE UNEXPECTED and God just may do the unexpected.

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