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Reignite Hope This New Year


Lola Alapo, Jayme Vainer, Michael Pham, Jeff DeBaldo

Today, as we’re gearing up for 2024, Kait and JJ are joined by School of Dating Coaches to talk about what it’s like to start the New Year single.


Hey hey hey Heart of Dating fam! We’re back with another FUN episode for you to close out 2023! We’re doing a New Years Roundable with our amazing School of Dating coaches. These are amazing individuals in our community who are trusted leaders. They are also speaking at HODC Nash this weekend! Today we’re talking about what it’s like to start the New Year single. We’ve all been there, and sometimes it’s harder than others. Today we’re hearing from people just like you! Let’s dive in. 

Meet the Crew

Everyone on this podcast has been in School of Dating and come from all different pockets of the United States! Jayme lives in Southern California but is from Michigan originally. She’s 38, and, found HOD after a really hard breakup about 4 years ago, but got deeply connected after she took a chance and dropped into Kait’s DMs and ended up being Kait and JJ’s wedding planner! Lola lives in Knoxville, TN and is 41! She found HOD from a married friend who knew about the HOD Confernece, she attended online the first time and loved it so much she decided to go in person the next year. Michael lives in North Carolina and is 34 years old. He stumbled upon HOD from a Facebook advertisement for a webinar on attracting your dream date. Through that webinar he learned about School of Dating and then learned about HOD through that program. Jeff is 39 from Pittsburg! He found HOD from Debra Fileta. He listened to her podcast a lot and then Heart of Dating became a recommended Podcast and was blown away by what Kait was doing. 

All of these amazing people are School of Dating (SOD) coaches. SOD is our 8-week mentorship program with 2 break weeks inbetween that meets on Tuesdays and Saturdays. It’s an intensive program truly. Registration is open now if you’re interested for our January cohort! 

What is your favorite thing about being a School of Dating Coach?

Lola loves watching as students work through phase one, when they’re doing a lot of the inner work. She loves seeing the light bulb go off for them when they start to see healing. She also loves having to relearn the material as she goes through it. 

Jayme loves inspiring students to date differently. So many people, herself included, had such a negative mindset towards christian dating. Going through the program completely transformed her and she loves that she gets to share that with her students.  

Michael loves journeying along people who are in the same season of life as him. He feels like one of the giftings God has given him is a pastoral heart to come alongside people. Being able to see students who want to be equipped in the realm of how to navigate singleness, dating and how to do it in a way that’s healthy. He loves being able to help students ocme in and personalize and process the content. 

Jeff loves getting to see so many more men coming in and taking the program. Seeing men getting into healing themselves and being serious about that has been awesome for him. 

Let’s be honest, New Year’s can be difficult for many singles. How do YOU guys currently feel about going into the new year?

Jayme feels completely different going into next year than she has in the past. After going through SOD and being a coach, doing the dating challenge, she has one word for the new year and it’s READY. She feels ready to continue the dating challenge and for whatever God has next for her in this season. In the past Jayme has had a really hard time in the past on New Years and honestly a lot of shame that her life hasn’t looked like what she thought it would. It’s so cool how this year is a total 180 from that. 

Michael goes into the New Year with a lot of excitement. There’s an anticipation that comes up for him about what God has for him in the next year. While at the same time he so understands the aches and pains around navigating the New Years season. For him he reflects on in years past he didn’t even think about dating at all because in his satisfaction in singleness he would solely focus on what God has for him. But, going through SOD he learned about his attachment style and has had to challenge himself to not avoid potentioal opportunities for dating in the midst of being content being single. It’s the first year he’s going into the new year not taking a break from dating, he’s still doing the dating challenge. 

Lola is going into the new year with anticipation but the interesting thing is that it’s not always been that way. There have been times where she’s felt like she knows God can do mighty things but struggling with does he want to do mighty things for her. God has been challenging her to hold onto hope, because sometimes it feels like if you don’t hope you won’t be disappointed. But God is saying, no, be brave, be vulnerable, and hold onto hope. So going into next year she’s super excited about what God is going to do. She’s a foster parent and she’s discerning if she goes back into that full time and if she does what does dating look like as a single parent? She’s super excited about that and she’s ultimately trying to rest and live well in the tension of the good and the hard. 

What are some of the things you’ve questioned/ thought about going into the new year in the past? Any shame or feeling BEHIND?

Lola will often spend some time on new years eve journaling and inevitably that includes some tears and some grief. For Lola in the past that has been a lot more grief while now it’s a lot more hopeful and celebratory over what God has done. 

If we’re not careful the grief will compound if we’re not willing to process. 

What HOPE can you give to singles this year?

Michael says to choose to participate in love means that there is an opportunity or potential for us to get wounded or hurt. For Michael, as someone who has felt content in singleness but has also at times avoided the opportunities to engage in dating because as a single he’s thinking, ‘what would happen if I lose certain aspects he enjoyes in singleness?’ He’s avoiding engaging out of fear. So one thing that has been a challenge for him this year is to not stay in a place of avoidance based on the fears of losing things in singleness but really the hope of belief systems he can learn from the Lord and those who model healthy dating and marriages to pickup and realize things that could be longterm benefits of dating. So recently he’s been journaling honest thoughts about where he’s at in singleness and then also journaling what the only times things are that he can engage in God. If we can invite God into the process, that’s where hope is found. Hebrews 12 hits this on the nail. 

One of Jayme’s deepest desires is to give singles hope. God is not done yet. That’s her hope and what she’d love to tell every single person out there. Don’t give up, keep going. 

Lola says that around the Holidays is when people expect you to feel happy but sometimes that actually amplifies the hurt and pain. So she encourages singles to name it, name that it is hard. AND at the same time, don’t stay there. A scripture that Lola has been clinging to is Romans 15:13. 

Headshot of Jayme

Jayme Vainer

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Jayme is an Orange County wedding planner and a SOD dating coach.  Her passion is to provide a stress-free wedding planning process along with curating the perfect design for the couple’s big day. She also is on fire about teaching the material, tools and values learned in School of Dating.  She wants to help empower Christian singles to date healthily so they can marry healthily. Her overall dream is to be a generation change, both in her family and for her generation.

Lola Alapo

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Lola is a Nigerian-born, New York-raised Tennessean. With a background in journalism and communications, she has a heart for helping people tell their stories.  

As a coach in Heart of Dating’s School of Dating, she loves walking alongside students as they deepen their relationship with Jesus, do the work of healing, and grow in their clarity and confidence in dating.

Lola is passionate about encouraging men and women to embrace and live their story vibrantly—the hard and the good, no matter their age or stage of life.

Some things Lola didn’t expect to be doing after 40: be single and dating; be a certified foster parent; distance running, CrossFit, and climbing tall mountains around the world.

Some things Lola is having a blast doing after 40: be single and dating; be a certified foster parent; distance running, CrossFit, and climbing tall mountains around the world.

Headshot of Lola
Headshot of Jeff

Jeff DeBaldo

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From working in public relations, to driving and testing autonomous vehicles, to working as a School of Dating coach with Heart of Dating, Jeff DeBaldo has learned to truly embrace HOD’s mantra of “expect the unexpected.” 

Since finding out about the HOD podcast more than three years ago, he has allowed God to grow his passion for HOD’s mission to empower both men and women to have the courage to own their story, walk in victory, thrive with purpose, and discover clarity and vision in their life and relationships. 

DeBaldo found true freedom from his story of divorce and being a single father when he reprioritized his relationship with Jesus Christ and learned to not shy away from his story and the beauty he has experienced from those ashes. He is a champion of everyone, specifically men, owning their story and realizing that one bad chapter does not define themselves.

Michael Pham

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Michael is a North Carolina native who experienced the redeeming love and power of Jesus Christ in March, 2007. His passion is to lead others to pursue intimacy with Jesus. In particular, Michael has a heart for the next generation of middle school, high school, and college students to experience God moving in their lives. Presently, he serves as a campus minister with UNC Wellspring and as a coach within the Heart of Dating’s School of Dating. In his free time, Michael enjoys cheering for the Lakers, bowling, playing spades, and eating red velvet cake!

Headshot of Michael
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