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Feminine & Masculine Q&A


Rachel Sherrill

Kait has the amazing Rachel Sherrill back to answer your questions about feminine and masculine energy.

How do I not overly serve the man I’m dating when that’s my normal tendency?

  • Over-giver = overfunctioner 
  • Ask the question, “Why do I serve so much? Why do I like servicing so much? What are my motives behind serving?”
  • Are you serving your man because you think he’ll like you more and you think he’ll keep coming back? 
  • Take all of that giving energy inside of you and use that everywhere else in your life except in your romantic relationship. Examples: ministries, homeless, mom, friend, brother. 
  • When you give all of that giving energy everywhere else your man has no option but to see you as this super generous person. 
  • Look for ways in your romantic relationship to receive. 
  • You are worthy of everything given to you just because. 
  • It’s not about not doing ANYTHING for your man, it’s about a balance and letting the man be giving over 50%. 
  • If you’re doing things you wish he was doing for you and he’s not, then stop doing those things. 

I’m older and I've become fiercely independent. I hate relying on people, especially men. At the same time, I want to be with a man who will pursue me. Thoughts?

  • Why do you hate relying on people, especially men? What are you feeling? Why does receiving from a man equal depending on him? Tackle the root issue of it. 
  • Women have all the power all the time in the feminine energy. 
  • Look for opportunities to allow men to give to you. 
  • It takes rewiring and practice to slow down and be able to step into your feminine. 
  • In order for a man to pursue you, you have to LET him pursue you. Let go of control. 
  • Relying→trust→vulnerability. 
  • Do you trust yourself? You CAN trust yourself. 

What do you do for the person who’s always busy or who just is all talk?

  • You stop giving that person attention. 
  • The only thing you need to do is tell the man you had a really good time, he made you feel a certain way, you’d love to see him again, and then you DETACH immediately. 
  • How do you detach? You stop assuming and waiting for him to get around to you. 
  • Accept what is. 
  • A question for yourself: How many times have you told a guy you weren’t that interested in, that you were busy? 
  • Put less pressure on dating in general especially in the beginning stages. 

I’d love a script or want to know what to say to ask about his intention/what he’s looking for without sounding “clingy.”

  • Get really clear on what it is you want and what you’re seeking. 
  • Come from a place of curiosity. 
  • Don’t ask a guy his intentions if you’re coming onto him way more than he is coming onto you. 
  • You want to see he has been coming towards you consistently, on his own. 
  • “I noticed you’ve been asking to hangout with me a lot lately. I love that, you make me feel really good. I’m curious to know what your intentions are WITH ME?” 

Why should I have to be the one to reach out to her? I want her to reach out to me.

  • It sounds like that man is in his feminine energy. 
  • Do some digging into your feminine and masculine wounds. 
  • Polarization has to happen. One will show up in masculine and the other will show up in feminine for a romantic relationship to work. 
  • What you really desire is to know is that if you were to reach out it is going to be a win. 
  • Boils down to your OWN ability to know YOUR self worth. 
  • It’s important for women to drop the hanky and show interest.

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Rachel Sherrill

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Rachel Sherrill is a Certified Dating and Relationship Coach and The host  of The True Feminine Podcast. She Coaches thousands of women and specializes in The Concept of Masculine vs Feminine Energy. Rachel primarily Teaches women how to speak to men in a way that draws them in and inspires commitment. She believes there is an art to speaking to men that can be magical and magnetic and she LOVES teaching it! 

Interested in enrolling in The True Feminine Academy?

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