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Narcissism, Silencing Women and Feminism


Tiffany Bluhm

Could You Tell us About Your Book Prey Tell: Why We Silence Women Who Tell the Truth and How Everyone Can Speak Up. Why did you write this book?

  • Tiffany has her heart at the intersection of faith, justice, and women which is her greatest passion.
  • Years ago she started out a women’s night titled “Sip” which now consists of 500 women

What are some ways that you believe the church has silenced women? 

  • The early church in the first century, men and women were seen as equals in their aptitude and assets and they were both able to contribute
  • We often misread Paul’s writing as prescriptive at certain time and certain place
  • Jesus taught and encouraged women to lead, teach, and prophecy, but the Greco-Roman influence started to shape the culture of the church, not the other way around.
  • Scholar and early church leaders believed that women were” deformed men” designed for pleasure or consumption.

Could you unpack how the purity culture movement of the late 80s/early 90s have impacted single millennials, both men and women, and how they approach dating?

  • Much of the trauma from the purity movement has been so much shame that they would cause someone to stumble, that they’re inhertienly “bad”
  • Specifically for women, it has made them the issue and only shown men as sexual beings
  • Women tend to self-silence, long before someone else silences them.
  • Kait also discusses how this could also bring about shame for men, not just women, when the culture is so flattening.

The word “narcissist” has become a bit of an overused buzz word recently. What are some red-flag indicators of someone who may be a narcissist and how do we stand up for ourselves against a narcissist?Narcissism is a diagnosed condition, but we can see narcissistic tendencies in people.

  • Narcissists are masters at first impressions and manipulation. They are charming and can charm the most emotionally healthy person
  • Our brains are wired to find confirmation from a first impression of someone and we believe people the first time we meet them. It’s hard to undo a first impression.
  • Narcissist will manipulate through love bombing
  • Tiffany talks about Euphoric Recall or “black and white thinking”
  • Narcissistic tenedencies are just telling enough to make you believe them.
  • Kait talks about even giving people who may not be as “charming” in the beginning a shot when it comes to dating and to take a look at to what you’re truly labeling as “chemistry” if you have a tendency to date narcissistic people

What does it mean to be a feminist?

  • The definintion of feminism has changed over the past few years time and time again.
  • Men and women both deserve equality regardless of race or status
  • Feminism has been mislabled and abused, especially in the church. It’s important to see it for what it is at the heart… seeking equality.
  • It’s an “all of us” issue.
  • You can be a feminist who loves living in the feminine and having femine energy.
  • Chivlary is great. Kindness is better and a fruit of the spirit.

What is your final nugget of dating advice?

  • Simply enjoy someone’s company. Don’t overthink it and just have fun.

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Order her new book HERE

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