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Feminine Energy in Dating


Rachel Sherrill

Rachel Sherrill returns again to deep dive the lost art of feminine energy in dating, how women can slow themselves down and how we view ourselves.

Feminine Energy

  • If you can master the art of femininity then you don’t have to do, prove, or worry about anything else. 
  • Tapping into the feminine energy is the ultimate key to unlocking what you’re truly desiring. 

Lost art of feminine energy and how women can lean more into it.

  • Feminine energy is all BODY…body space, heart space, feelings, and emotions. 
  • Feelings and emotions don’t define you but are information FOR you. 
  • If you want to become a masterful communicator with men, you need to master the art of understanding what your body FEELS and what your heart FEELS and then SPEAK that. 
  • Feminine energy is the receiving side, slower energy, and trusting. 
  • Three parts to trusting: 1) Trust the man. 2) Trust yourself. 3) Trust that everything is working out for you. 
  • If you’re an over giver, and you find a lot of self worth in that, you may have a self worth issue. 
  • A man desires to be the hero in your life. How can a man be the hero in your story if you’re always fixing the problem? 
  • When you care-give to a man he no longer sees you as a lover, he sees you as a mother on a subconscious level. 
  • A man desires to rise up but if you continue to be the mother role for him he will not rise up because humans always choose the path of least resistance. 
  • The greatest gift you can give a man is your ability to show up with SOFTNESS, your ability to RECEIVE from him, your ability to show APPRECIATION of him. 
  • Girls, take all of your giving energy and dump it in every other area of your life.
  • Women, you are a soft invitation. 
  • Feminine energy is all about putting the focus on yourself and performing for yourself. 

How do you slow yourself down?

  • If you know you’re going on a date or going to see your man, take an hour or two before getting yourself in a slow vibration, moving your body slowly, stretching, light a candle, clean your room, listen to music. Make yourself feel good and sexy, not for him but for yourself. 

How do you see yourself?

  • A healthy masculine man is not impressed by your boss girl, proving energy.
  • Healthy masculine men aren’t looking for a business partner. 
  • Healthy masculine men are impressed by your femininity. 
  • Men and women were not meant to be equal, we were meant to be different. 
  • It’s not about LOOKING/DRESSING feminine it’s about your ENERGY. 
  • You’re going to attract the opposite energy that you’re in. 
  • You’re always going to draw in the opposite, energetically. 
  • It’s not your doingness it’s your beingness. 
  • Control is desperateness. 
  • A great question to ask yourself when you want to give is: “What am I hoping will happen?”
  • A man is always going to feel most loved by your ability to receive what he’s given to you. 

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Rachel Sherrill

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Rachel Sherrill is a Certified Dating and Relationship Coach and The host  of The True Feminine Podcast. She Coaches thousands of women and specializes in The Concept of Masculine vs Feminine Energy. Rachel primarily Teaches women how to speak to men in a way that draws them in and inspires commitment. She believes there is an art to speaking to men that can be magical and magnetic and she LOVES teaching it! 

Interested in enrolling in The True Feminine Academy?

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