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MM: If You Sleep Together, Break Up ASAP


Adam Weber

Today we have Adam Weber talking about mixing grace with truth, why sinners were so into Jesus and how leaning on God and your crew is clutch for making smart moves.


Hey there, Heart of Dating fam! We've got a treat for you today – an epic convo with none other than Adam Weber, the lead pastor of Embrace Church. Host JJ Tomlin and Adam dive deep into the nitty-gritty of balancing grace and truth when dealing with folks living in sin. Get ready for some real-life stories, practical advice, and plenty of "aha!" moments!

Jesus: The OG Includer

First up, Adam drops some knowledge about Jesus and His incredible inclusivity. Sinners and tax collectors? Jesus welcomed them with open arms! He had this amazing way of mixing grace and truth that we should all be striving for in our own lives.

Tackling Sin Like a Boss

As a pastor, Adam's no stranger to dealing with people who just can't seem to quit their sinful ways. He shares his tried-and-true approach: focus on their relationship with Jesus and figure out what's holding them back. JJ chimes in with some wise words about seeking guidance and finding that sweet spot between grace and truth.

Living Your Best Life

Adam and JJ get real about the consequences of staying stuck in sin versus following God's path. They're all about that long-term fulfillment, y'all! Adam even shares a funny story about his son's first job to drive the point home. Bottom line? True happiness comes from aligning yourself with God's master plan.

Kicking Sexual Sin to the Curb

In a moment of vulnerability, JJ opens up about struggling with sexual sin. Adam's got his back, offering some solid advice on how to break free. His tips? Hit pause on the relationship, steer clear of tempting situations, find some ride-or-die friends, and get your prayer and accountability game on point. By shining a light on the issue, Adam says you can weaken the grip of darkness and the devil himself.

Raising the Bar

Adam takes a trip down memory lane, sharing how dating someone with high standards totally changed his life for the better. He and JJ chat about how a woman's strong character can be a total game-changer and how crucial it is to lean on God and your support squad when you're trying to live that God-honoring life.


As the episode winds down, Adam and JJ drop one final truth bomb: extending genuine grace to those in need can be straight-up life-changing. They give each other a virtual high-five and hope that you, dear listener, will walk away feeling inspired and encouraged. So, go forth and navigate singleness and relationships like a boss, armed with grace, truth, and the knowledge that God's got an epic plan for your life!

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